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Québec Roadmap :
Towards a new urban project | 2022 - 2024


Involved cities

Roadmap Cities

Pilot cities Thematics

Collaborative Networks


Roadmap meeting schedule

General Secretariat meeting
Regional Secretariats Meeting
Collaborative Networks meeting

The Roadmap in a nutshell


At the 16th Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), held in Quebec City in September 2022, the Mayors of member cities stressed the considerable pressure that the combined effects of climate, economic, and social crises are putting on urban environments that are particularly vulnerable in their historical and heritage dimensions.

The Mayors’ Manifesto embodies the political ambition to respond to these unfolding changes. The Quebec Roadmap provides member cities with an operational framework unparalleled for the Organization. Until the 17th Cordoba World Congress (Spain, September 2024), the OWHC cities will engage in collective reflections within Collaborative Networks that function per "Community of practice" principles. Insights gained from these two years of work will be at the core of the Cordoba Symposium, which marks an important milestone in the process. 

To navigate the Quebec Roadmap microsite, you may use the scrolling menus directly, or click on the statistics.

In addition to the Calendar which features upcoming activities, the Dashboard below provides a snapshot of the current state of the Collaborative Networks’ advances, and whose results will contribute to the preparation of the Cordoba Symposium (see the Panorama).


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To navigate on the Roadmap site, we invite you to use the drop-down navigation menu at the top of the page. To consult directly any news or statistics concerning the participating cities and their concrete work, you can click on the key figures in the visual below the menu.


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